Misha’s research involves the production of socially engaged, dialogic and propositional events activated through collective acts of walking, singing, writing or other performance mechanisms that invite participants to reflect on and articulate their experience and inhabitation of particular places and landscapes. Her project ‘way from home’ involved an online interactive interface mapping walks and conversations with refugees and asylum seekers based in Plymouth created in collaboration with refugee support organizations. This work is available on her website www.homingplace.org or www.wayfromhome.org. This work extended to other refugee groups and organisations across the UK through her consultation on the AHRC Knowledge Transfer project ‘Trans-national Communities: A Sense of Belonging’. Recent research considers the dramaturgy and narrative choreography of walking tours, the theatricality and sociability of audio walks, the techniques and technologies of and for voicing and listening in audio walks, and new dramaturgical and representational tools and frameworks for interpreting and designing interactive locative narrative experiences of landscapes.