
Membership is open to all with an interest in walking. Click on a name to view full biography, contact details and links.

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Total Records Found: 819, showing 25 per page
AvatarFirst NameLast NameCountry
Jenny A United Kingdom
Heli Aaltonen Norway
Michael Acker United States of America
Sophie Adams United Kingdom
Mark Adams United Kingdom
John James Addison United Kingdom
Eva Aguero Venezuela
Bill Aitchison United Kingdom
Antonia Aitken Australia
Meherun Akter Bangladesh
Raizel Albano Philippines
Karen Alderson United Kingdom
Emmie Alderson United Kingdom
Hayley Alessi United Kingdom
Gemma Alldred United Kingdom
Jess Allen United Kingdom
Beth Allen United Kingdom
Isobel Anders United Kingdom
Mads Floor Andersen
Jagna Anderson Germany
Scott Anderson United States of America
Cliff Andrade United Kingdom
Stuart Andrews United Kingdom
Isabel Andrews United States of America
Anne Arndt Netherlands

7 Replies to “Members

  1. Hello my name is Rick van Duuren and i am currently livong in Groningen in the north of the netherlands. I am a cartoonist, grapic artist and musician. Whenever i need a creative idea I take rather long walks around town and the countryside because walking sets free my creativity. I am really interested in the concept of taking walks while discussing or forming ideas with others. If I would want to start something up overhere are there guidelines or resources that could be of use? Groningen is a city of 220 000 people with a university with youngsters from all over europe.
    Best regards,

  2. Hi Rick, sorry I only just saw your comment! I think if you post this on our mailing list at you will get lots of responses with advice and suggestions. Let me know if you have any trouble joining. All best, Clare c.qualmann (@)

  3. It has been a while since I updated my info on the member page. I am wondering if I can update my information – and if so how? I do not see a login location.

  4. I am the founder of the research group Derive Metropolitane. Study group that deepens the methods of territorial analysis, through the tools of psychogeography, carrying out exploration activities of the urban and rural space, researching hidden and / or forgotten aspects and vocations, to recover the original identity with its inhabitants. The analyzes were carried out through the use of multisensory, interviews, the use of wheelchairs, the study of environmental crimes circumscribed to delimited spaces, etc. see more on
    In all these activities the methodological approach has been to open, through dialogue, to listening: dialogue with the physical space through the drifts; with the inhabitants of the places through the workshops; with the community of architects through popular and cultural activities; with those who administer cities through public space planning programs with people living on the margins – physical, social, cultural – of society.

  5. Hi,
    When I joined the network I was living in Vietnam but since then I moved back to the UK and I am now living in Leeds. How can I amend my personal details in the location list above?
    Patrick S. Ford

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